New Year's Day is just around the corner. We are often led to believe that with the new year comes new beginnings. Time for new diets, new ways of behaving, new higher thoughts.
May I suggest we keep the old ...
God is, as a friend would put it, "Older than dirt." ... I definitely need to keep Him in my thoughts.
Jesus was born over 2000 years ago ... I want to keep Him in my heart.
Several years ago, I began a scheduled Quiet Time of reading the Bible, praying, journaling, going through motivational (Christian) readings. In doing so, I have grown a more personal relationship with God ... I plan to keep this as well!
Perhaps in keeping the old, I will at least contemplate the new:
New diet of mediations; newer, refreshing of my prayer life; renewed thoughts of praise, and delving further in how I intend to please Him.
And another old thought: May I wish you a most blessed New Year!!